
How can we leverage augmented reality (AR) to improve rider experience?

Research Project Name

Mixed-Reality Futures: Integrating Augmented Reality with Transit Hubs

What We Did

We explored how augmented reality (AR) can enhance the passenger experience and support the ridership of the Los Angeles public transit system. To begin, we held a brainstorming and visioning session with City of Los Angeles, LADOT, FAST, Metro OEI, The Bloc, CivicConnect, and other entities to gather information and feedback on user types, the current passenger journey, pain points, and opportunities. We then designed a user interface for an AR platform integrated with The Bloc and the 7th Street metro station in Los Angeles. After refining the platform features, we filmed a visualization of our AR interface at The Bloc to further demonstrate our concept.

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Rose Hung, Stephanie Truong, Wanyu Song, Megan Lubaszka, Rob Bischoff, Jaymes Dunsmore, John Jourden, Alejandro Segura, Dylan Jones, Nick O’Malley, David Glicksman, Sarah Kim, Kathleen O’Connor

Year Completed